HindustanVision Monday,28 December , 2020)
Cake & recipe award goes to ...

Delhi News, 28 dec 2020 : Hafele made this Christmas merrier with their ‘My Christmas Cake Recipe Contest’, wherein participant showcased their talent. The contest began with around 350 entries that showcased their culinarily baking skills with their Christmas cakes along with their recipes  which were reviewed by a panel of judges. The top 20 recipes will be featured in Hafele’s exclusive Christmas digital cookbook out of which one lucky winner will get a special Christmas surprise from Hafele. We are proud to announce the winner of the ‘My Christmas Cake Recipe Contest’. Congratulations to our winner, Mr. Alok Verma who said “I recently came across the hafele contest because one of my friends tagged me in the post, she knows how much I love Christmas and baking. When I came across this contest, I felt it was something I had to do; I had to submit a recipe. I spent an entire week planning exactly what I wanted and since I am very competitive I had to give the very best of me in the contest. I am so thrilled that I have won this contest, I really can’t believe it! There is so much I can do with the Klara kitchen machine, for someone like me who loves making anything with Italian Meringue like Macarons, it is very hard to have just two hands at one go. I am really thrilled and excited to use the Klara kitchen machine, thank you so much Hafele for this amazing gift.”
The winner received Klara kitchen machine by Hafele, which is a kitchen dynamo that successfully amalgamates functions of various countertop appliances like dough kneader, whisker, beater, chopper, grater, sausage maker, juicer, mixer and blender. A Hafele spokesperson said “The year 2020 has seen its fair share of major historic events, the worst being the major rapid spread of the coronavirus pandemic which has paralyzed the world’s economy. Where we believe a lot was lost, we at Häfele are thankful for being safe and alive. Though our life was on hold due to the virus, we still don’t want to miss out on being connected with our clients and customers who are our extended family. To end the monumental 2020 year with a High note, we thought of having a Christmas Contest where we wanted to thank all the clients for staying strong with us. Here’s wishing all a Happy Holidays and a wonderfully optimistic 2021!”.

Cake & recipe award goes to ...

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